Rascal shares
his watery world with fishermen scattered up the Western Isles of Scotland from
the River Clyde in the south to KInlockbervie in the north. Many of them fish for
sea food that is exported to the Continent, but since Brexit, exports have been
badly disrupted. Fishing is a tough occupation, not only physically but
financially also. Upsets of this sort affect not only day to day income but the
ability of fishermen to service loans for boats and equipment.
To be
positive and look forward, it may be, that as we take back more control of our
waters there will be the opportunity for our Highland fishermen to take
ownership of their fishing grounds and take measures to conserve and improve
them. But that is a long way off.
The Brexit
problem has been compounded by the lack of income to the area from visitors
because of Covid-19. But on the other hand, the pandemic has had the effect of
greatly accelerating the development of mail order deliveries.
The British
Consumer does not take advantage of the wonderful seafood we have, yet it is
such a delicacy. As delivery services improve, could we dream of reliable
icy-chill-fresh seafood being delivered to our door from these more remote
places. What a birthday present that would be.
Just because
some people are few and far away their voices may be faint but we should not
forget them, and we must support them.
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